Pennsylvania State University Dissertation Explorer

Graduate school is about exploration and discovery. Bringing unlikely threads of thought together in order to weave a new way of thinking, a new technology, a new path forward.

Over 15,000 theses and dissertations have been completed at Penn State in the last 20 years. This explorer curates an exploration of emerging ideas, their intersectionality with other subject areas, and the academic programs and dissertation advisors that have championed them.

Dissertations at Penn State are managed through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (eTD) database.

Explore the Database

Developed by Dr. Robbie Fraleigh (data updated 10/02/2019)



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Pennsylvania State University Dissertation Explorer

Dissertations at Penn State are managed through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (eTD) database.

Start by choosing keywords and programs of interest. Then select the appropriate date range and degree types. Explore the resulting theses and dissertations or download publication details for further review.

Filtered Records
Showing - ofRecords.